: 36 questions
format: video game/vr installaton
genre: interactive virtual audio-video installation
year: 2018

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The interactive virtual video installation is the exhibition of videos that show people who participated in a psychological experiment that was designed to make them fall in love. The experiment was inspired by the studies of the scientist Arthur Aron. This virtual installation can be consumed with a V.R. headset, as a PC game or in another combination of screen and joystick. Every couple has their own 36 spaces, for every question one space. With multiple layers of virtuality in this work, it is intended to intensify the feeling of being inside the artwork: first layer is the very space of the virtual gallery; second layer are the videos of the couples, a filmic representation of a physical space; the third layer of virtuality are the stories, events and things discussed by the participants.


The narrative structure of this work is based on the structure and dramaturgy of the 36 questions designed by the psychologist Arthur Aron. As the questions progress, they get more intimate and intense. As the order of the questions is important, the order of rooms in gallery is therefore linearly set accordingly.


Visitor can move freely through this space. Interactivity serves the purpose of intensifying the sense of being inside the artwork. After the visitor enters a certain room, video projections automatically start. The video projections are on the other side of the room so the visitor can choose the distance from which they watch the video.


All the spaces are monumental: this is to evoke a feeling of sacredness of the space - as was done by countless sacral buildings throughout history. The absence of roof and the open vertical connection with the sky above enhances this feeling. Symmetry and linear spatial configuration make this otherwise complex space clear and intuitive. The movement direction follows the linear order of questions.


The only instructions the participants were given were those to stay natural, spontaneous, with no time or other limitations: they can discuss a certain question for as long as they want. This spontaneousness guarantees an authentic testimony of a moment in time, of two people going through an experience together. Besides this qualitative value, there is also a significant quantitative value: a total of 19 couples and around 35 hours of video material make for a worthy material for a sociological, psychological, anthropological etc. study.


This work is consciously using its digital nature as the core sensibility and aesthetics. Materials, scale, color - are all enhancing the general surreal and sacral feeling, while adding the digital, artificial touch.

This installation was created as a graduate work during the Bachelor studies of Scene Architecture, Design and Technology with the generous help of:

Cultural Center LAB, who provided the space for the video production
Klinika, who provided the microphones
Luka Radovanović, who helped with the organization of blind dates
Arthur Aron, who gave permission to use his scientific research in this installation

The work "36 Questions" was exhibited as a solo exhibition in the Cultural Center Grad in December 2019 in Belgrade.

Read the interview for the Oblakoder magazine regarding this exhibition here.